Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse and reference on the board. Psalm 17:6:

I am praying to You because I know You will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.

Have children make a large circle around you, standing at arm’s length from others on both sides.

Have you ever shared something very important and personal with someone only to discover they weren’t really listening? Maybe they were texting, or perhaps they turned to talk to someone else before you finished. How did that make you feel? Irritated, frustrated, hurt, unimportant.

As we discussed in Large Group, our SuperVerse is part of a psalm written by King David. He prayed because he knew God would listen and then answer. God is never too busy or distracted to listen to us!

In this activity we are going to learn the SuperVerse by doing motions together. I will say a part of the verse and demonstrate the motion, then you repeat it while doing the motions.

Put hands together in prayer: I am praying

Point up and look to heaven: To You

Point to forehead: Because I know

Point to mouth: You will answer, O God.

Bend down and cup one ear with a hand: Bend down and listen

Straighten up and put hands together in prayer: As I pray.

Conclusion: We can be confident like David and Daniel that we can talk with God and He will hear and answer us!