Leader Guide


Copy the coloring page, one per child plus extras.

Let’s see if you can say the SuperTruth with your eyes closed: “I can talk with God.”

Give a coloring page, crayons, colored pencils, or markers to each child. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children color their pages.

Who are the four men in the picture? Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (also called Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah),and Daniel.

What are they doing in this picture? Praying to God.

What are they asking God to do? Reveal the secret of the king’s dream. (See Daniel 2:17–18.)

Why couldn’t the wise men tell the king his dream? Only the king and God knew what it was.

Daniel urgently needed God’s help to know the dream and what it meant. That is why Daniel and his friends prayed to God until He answered.

Have you ever prayed for something important? Children discuss.

We can pray anytime and any place, whether we are all by ourselves or in a crowd of people—and God will hear us. Yet there’s something very special about praying with other people for something. Have you prayed with other people for something? How does it feel? Supported, cared for, confident, hopeful, strengthened.

Yes, it is wonderful to experience the support, strength, and compassion of others when they support us in prayer.

Have children put their names on their papers and share their coloring pages with the class if they would like.