Leader Guide


  • SuperTruth Signs Patterns: one copy of each of the five signs patterns
  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Four tennis balls, rubber balls, or any balls that bounce well
  • Five medium-size boxes or clean trash cans
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Two sixth-grade helpers or other volunteers to keep score—one for each team
  • Two sixth-grade helpers or other volunteers to retrieve and return balls—one for each team
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app

Print one copy each of the five SuperTruth Signs Patterns. Cut apart the words, then tape one word each on the front and back of all five boxes to form the SuperTruth as shown. Be sure that the words of the SuperTruth are in the correct order on both sides of the boxes.

Place two taped lines or marks at opposite ends of the room, about 20 feet apart.

Place another line or mark 5 feet from each of those lines, toward the center.

Place the five boxes side by side in the middle of those lines.

What part of the video was the most amazing to you? The floating ax head, Elijah and the chariot of fire, the angels in their chariots that surrounded the enemy, etc.

Yes, God was with Elisha and enabled him to do some amazing miracles. It is exciting to know that God is always with us, too! Will we always see God’s help and protection with our physical eyes? No.

How do we know that God is with us? By faith in His Word. We can’t physically see His protection and presence unless Godopens our eyes to see into the spiritual realm as He did with Elisha’s servant.

Now it’s time to play the game!

Divide the class into two teams. Teams do not have to be equal.

Teams line up behind the marks farthest from the boxes so they face each other on opposite sides of the boxes.

The goal is to bounce a ball into each box in the correct order of the SuperTruth. Balls that go into a box out of order do not count. The whole team shouts the word when the ball lands in the box.

Give two balls to the first player on both teams.

Start the game with 5 minutes on the timer.

The first player on each team moves quickly to the line nearer to the box and bounces one ball toward the first box (“GOD”).

If the ball lands in the box, the team shouts the word on the box and the player goes to the end of the line, giving the second ball to the next player.

If the first ball does not land in the box, the player tries again with the second ball.

If neither ball goes the box, the player should retrieve a ball, run to the box and drop it directly down into the box as the team shouts the word.

The next player then tries to bounce a ball toward the next box, etc.

Sixth grade helpers or other volunteers should continually retrieve and return the balls to the next players in line.

A team scores a point each time the SuperTruth is completed. Make sure all children have a turn before stopping the game. The team with the most points when time ends wins.

Conclusion: That looked like a lot of fun. We can walk in boldness and confidence knowing that God is for us; we are never outnumbered!