Leader Guide

Dodge Ball Game

  • Six foam balls
  • Three 5th or 6th grade helpers
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Tape a line across the center of the room.

Move tables, chairs and other objects out of the area as much as possible.

This game would be ideal to play in a large area like a gym or outdoors.

Explain the game to the 5th or 6th grade helpers; do not let the rest of the class hear your instructions. The three helpers should enter the court when you signal them. They will play every round, once for each player.

Let’s say the SuperVerse together. 2 Kings 6:16:

“Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!”

The Syrian commander must have thought he had a big advantage over Elisha. He had many trained soldiers with weapons, horses and chariots. He also had the element of surprise—meaning that his army had sneaked up without being seen. Little did he know that Elisha actually had the advantage over him, with the army of heaven on his side!

In our teaching time, we had an illustration with uneven basketball teams. In this game, we will have some fun with uneven dodge ball teams. Hold up a foam ball. The balls are made of foam and won’t hurt. Each of you will play by yourself. You will play two rounds of 30 seconds each. In this wacky game of uneven dodge ball, you do not leave the game if you are hit! You score points by hitting an opponent with a ball or catching a ball that has been thrown at you. Everyone who isn’t playing should help me keep score for each game.

Have the children sit safely back a few feet to the side of the court.

Two children play at a time.

Place three balls on each side of the line.

Choose two players and have them stand on opposite sides of the line. Start the game by shouting, “Play ball!”

A few seconds after the game starts, signal the three older players to enter and play on one side of the court.

Play continues until the time expires. Ask the children for the number of points each side scored.

Have the three older players leave the court.

Play a second round with the same two players. The three helpers again enter the court, this time playing for the other player on the opposite side.

Stop the game when time expires and ask the class for the score.

Have each player remember only their own total score for the two games they played.

Continue until all children have a chance to play.

Ask the children their scores to find the winner.

What did you think of the game; was it different than you expected? Yes, it was surprising and confusing to see the three players come into the game unexpectedly.

Were the sides fair? No; the side the three players were on had an advantage.

How did it feel when you were alone against the four players? Overwhelmed, outmanned, hopeless, odds were against me, wanted to give up. Too much to keep track of and watch out for by myself.

How did it feel when the three players came to your side and played with you? Great, victorious, invincible, confident, I knew I would win and I had a big advantage. It was fun not to have to do everything by myself.

You each had a chance to feel what it is like to be alone and outnumbered. You also had a chance to experience what it feels like to have more than the other side. Which did you like better?

I know that I personally never want to face anything without God on my side! No matter what I face, I am not alone! Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “God is always for me.”

This game demonstrated how we have an overwhelming advantage with God on our side. In real life, we aren’t playing games; we face real situations and battles where God will stand with us and is for us! When the angels of heaven showed up to help Elisha, he knew that the victory was his and there was no reason to be afraid.

Read Romans 8:31b:

If God is for us, who can ever be against us?