Leader Guide

Puzzle Game

  • Heart Page
  • Card stock: two sheets per child plus extras
  • Glue sticks
  • Children’s scissors
  • Pencils  
  • Optional: tables and chairs

Make copies of the Heart Page in color or in black and white, one per child plus extras.

Cut out one heart, assemble and glue it onto the cardstock, as a model to display on the wall for the children to see during the game.

All My Heart: Play a game to reinforce the SuperVerse.

Divide the class into groups of 3–6, mixing older with younger children.

A minimum of two teams is needed. The larger the groups, the more fun and challenging the activity will be.

Have each group sit in a circle on the floor or around tables.

Give a Heart Page and two sheets of cardstock to each child.

Give scissors, glue sticks, and pencils to each group.

Each child should glue the heart pattern onto the blank sheet, then cut the pieces apart.

Have each group of children place all their heart pieces in one big pile in the middle of the circle or table and then scramble all of the pieces. 

Let’s say our SuperVerse together: Proverbs 3:5: 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

Like Elijah, we must learn to trust God with ALL of our hearts, nothing less! We need to be “all in” with Him, as we learned today. In this game each of you must find all eight parts of your heart and put it back together again.

When I say “Go,” everyone will look through the group pile as quickly as possible to find the eight different pieces to make one heart, then glue them on your blank sheet. If someone finishes early, see if someone else in your group needs a little help. As soon as everyone in your group is done, hold your hearts in the air and shout the words on your sheets together. The first team to do this wins. You can then take your hearts home as a reminder to trust in the Lord with all your heart.   

Be prepared to assist younger children or those with special needs. Afterward, have children write their names on their puzzles to take home.