Leader Guide

Maze Activity

  • Elijah’s Journey Maze 
  • Pencils—one per child

Make copies of Elijah’s Journey Maze, one per child plus extras.

Elijah’s Journeys: Choose the correct routes for Elijah

Give each child a copy of the maze and a pencil. Lead a discussion using the questions and answers below as the children complete the activity.

Elijah always seemed to be “on the go”—traveling wherever God sent him. He did not have many possessions to share, yet he shared something more important with others. What did he share? God’s Word, wisdom and direction, healing. 

Have you ever felt like God was asking you to share something with someone? If so, can you explain?

What do you think the widow may have thought when Elijah told her to feed him first when she knew she didn’t have enough flour and oil for her family? She may have thought that he was uncaring or selfish. She might have been angry or frustrated.    

If you are at school and someone shares something with you that you need, how does it make you feel? Thankful, grateful, relieved, humbled. 

Conclusion: Elijah obeyed God and traveled when and where He directed him. Elijah shared God’s Word and power with the widow and her son. This confirmed that God was alive and in control—not the idol Baal. In return, the widow shared all that she had by faith to provide for Elijah. When we give, God will return blessings to us in many different ways.