Leader Guide

Guessing Game

  • Whiteboard and different color markers; or chalkboard and different colored chalk
  • Eraser
  • Two Act or Draw Card Pages
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app

For larger classes, divide the children into two groups and play two games simultaneously.  Add another leader, whiteboard, and a second set of cards. Have the groups play at opposite ends of the room, if possible.   

Make one copy of each of the Act or Draw Card Pages.

Cut the sixteen individual cards apart and place face-down in a stack.    

Share a Guess: Children act or draw ways to give.

There are many things you have now that can be given or shared with others to help them; you don’t need to wait until you are an adult. The widow did not think she had enough to share; yet, she shared all she had, and God gave back much more than she gave.  

Hold up the pile of cards. On these cards are actions or items you can share, give, or do to help others. I’ll ask for volunteers. When it’s your turn, I’ll give you a card and you will have 30 seconds to decide how you will act out or draw what is on the card. You may even do a combination of acting and drawing, but you can’t make any sounds or write any words. If you need someone to help, you may choose a classmate to come up and assist you.

Some children may not be comfortable acting or drawing; so ask for volunteers.

You may have two children play at a time, acting and drawing as a pair.

You may give easier cards to younger children and harder cards to older children.

After you give a card, allow 30 seconds for the child to prepare to draw or act it out. If the child came up alone, he/she may ask another child to help.

Say, “Action!” and start the 30-second timer.

You may have the audience guess by raising their hands or simply shouting their ideas.

If the card is not guessed before time expires, choose a second volunteer to try. The player(s) who originally chose the card cannot play for this time only.

If the card isn’t guessed the second time, it is removed from the game and a leader will act out or draw it at the end of the game if there is time. 

After each card is identified, discuss how the children could practically share, give, or do it. Remind the children that some needs in real-life may be serious, and they should ask a trusted adult before trying to help.