Superbook Celebration Option One

Invitation, Prayer and Closing

This is a time to give an opportunity for everyone to receive salvation, to pray and to gather names and contact information for follow-up discipleship.

For the salvation invitation, you may play the Gospel Presentation Video and/or lead the suggested prayer below.

We recommend having a prayer team in place to pray with any families who might request special prayer following the service. Consider giving Superbook Bibles or scripture tracts to anyone who prays.

Play Video : Gospel Presentation with Chris (4 minutes)

Gospel Presentation with Chris

Let’s pray. Dear God, we want to give our hearts to You today. Thank You for dying on the cross to take away our sins. Thank You for rising from the grave and winning the victory over death to give us new life. Thank You for Your promise to take us to heaven someday so we can live with You forever! And we praise You for giving us Your Holy Spirit to live inside us and give us the power to obey You and follow Your will for our lives. And now, Lord, we pray for many other people to come to know You. We pray for our family and friends here and at home, and we pray for other people in faraway countries. Show us each day how we can show Your love and share Your Good News with others. We praise You that we are part of Your marvelous plan. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Praise God! If you asked Jesus into your heart for the very first time today, please come and see me afterward so we can talk about this important decision. We have been set free from all sin and guilt and shame. We have a new start in life—today and every day! And we have an important part to play in God’s plan! Now that is worth celebrating! Thanks for joining our Superbook Celebration—let’s close by clapping and shouting in thanks and praise to our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!