Superbook Celebration Option Two


  • Copy Patterns: Celebration Option 2
  • Practice the presentation with the pattern pages to assure a smooth delivery.

Display and lead a discussion for each picture in order. 

Display Page A1—Tree. This is a beautiful tree, and tall, too! Let’s say you are playing ball and the ball gets stuck in a branch too high to reach with your arms. What are some ways you could get the ball? 

Climb, use a ladder, use another ball to knock it loose.

Good ideas! So, we can agree that we have more than one way to get the ball.

Display Page A2—School building. What are some ways that children might travel to school?

Yes, there is more than one way to get to school, depending on where it is located and how far you must travel.    

Display Page A3—Skyscraper. Some cities have very tall buildings like this. Now, imagine that you needed to go all the way to the top floor of this building to meet someone. How could you do that? 

Elevator, stairs.

Yes, you really only have two ways to safely get to the top of the building—yet you still have a choice.  

Display Page A4—Island. Have any of you ever been on an island?

There is water all around it, so how can you reach an island? 

Boat, helicopter, plane, jet ski, swim—if not too far.

Good answers—there are many ways to get there! There is definitely more than one way to get to the island.           

For each picture, there were at least two ways to get to the destination.

Display Page A5—SuperTruth. But our SuperTruth for today says: “There is only one way to God.” Let’s say it together. “There is only one way to God.”

Yes, there is only one way we can get to God—but before we find out how, let’s watch a couple of videos.

Introduce Bible Background Video (2 minutes)

In addition to the Superbook Bible story video that the children see in each module, we show two other videos to help them understand the story. The Bible Background video is shown in Lesson 2, giving a fun presentation of the archaeological, historical and cultural contexts of the Bible story. This helps children discover that the ageless stories of the Bible are real events that occurred in a historical time and place. It also helps them incorporate God’s living Word into their everyday lives. Here is the Bible Background video for the episode titled “Let My People Go.” Can you guess what story it’s about? 

How Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

Optional: You may choose to show any other Bible Background Video that your class enjoyed.

Children, remember that when Gizmo asks a question, wait for him to suggest some answers, then shout the one you think is right! 

Play Video 5: Bible Background for “Let My People Go” (7.5 minutes)

Bible Background

Did you like that video? What are some things you learned from it?

Allow children to answer, as time permits.

Introduce Signposts Video (1 minute)

The Signposts video is shown in Lesson 3 of each module. This video reveals how the Bible stories point to Jesus and how He fulfilled biblical prophecy. This Signposts video shows clips from a number of Superbook stories, telling how Jesus fulfilled prophecies in the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation!

Play Video 6: Signposts Video: Genesis to Revelation (4.5 minutes)


Yes, from the very beginning of time, God had a plan! Important events were prophesied or foretold in the Old Testament that pointed to Jesus hundreds of years later! Jesus will fulfill every prophecy before He comes to Earth again. Now, are you ready for the answer to our question about the one way to come to God?

I believe our children who have been a part of the Superbook lessons already know the answer—but let’s learn our SuperVerse today and see if it can help us!     

Play Video 10: SuperVerse Graphic*


Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat verse.

*If you do not have access to the downloadable videos for this lesson, write the SuperVerse on the board before class.

Our SuperVerse says in John 14:6:

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.”

So, is our answer in this verse? 


What is the only way to God? 


Jesus is the ONLY way to God—there are NO other options!     

In this verse, Jesus was talking to His disciples before He died on the cross and rose again. He had been telling them for awhile that He would be leaving them to go back to His Father, God. Even so, they were slow to understand, and the thought of Jesus leaving them was sad and frightening. They did not understand how they could eventually follow Him to heaven. Jesus gave them the answer that is in our SuperVerse. He was, and is still today, the only way to God! No matter what anyone tells us, Jesus is the only way we can get to God. He is the source of truth and the only source of eternal life! 

Let’s all shout the SuperVerse—but wait a minute. Hold up one hand and look confused. Help me get this right. I am trying to remember—how many ways are there to God? Hold up four fingers. Is this right? 

NO! only one.

Oh, yes, thank you! OK, now let’s all shout the SuperVerse.

That was good, but this time I want just the adults, age 18 and older, to shout it as loud as you can—1, 2, 3!

Wow, how awesome was that? Okay, everyone age 17 and younger, do you think you can beat that?

On the count of three—1, 2, 3!

Let’s all stand and shout it together on the count of three—1, 2, 3! All ages stand and shout the SuperVerse.

That was so exciting to hear your voices together! We all know the answer now, so we can share it with others!