Leader Guide

Ball Game

  • Four tennis balls or other small balls
  • Optional: masking or painter’s tape
  • Two bath towels; OR bed sheets or blankets folded in half

Mark or tape a line about 15–20 feet from the wall—use the line from the Small Group Game.

Place the two towels just across the line, near the ends of the line—see illustration.

Divide the class into two equal teams. If teams are uneven, one player can play twice. Have both teams form a line behind the mark or taped line, with one team behind each towel.

The first time Jesus came into the world, He came as a little baby. When He returns, He will come as the King of kings and Lord of lords! As believers, we joyfully look forward to that day! 

Let’s play another game with the balls returning to us, but this time it will be a little different. Both teams will play at the same time. You will each get two tries to roll the ball so it hits the wall and then “comes back again” to rest on your team’s towel, which represents the Earth’s surface. Your team receives one point for each ball that comes back to rest on your towel. The team with the most points wins. After you roll the ball twice, go to the back of the line.

Start the game and keep track of each team’s score. Play additional rounds as time allows.

How does it make you feel inside to know that Jesus is coming back again?

No matter what happens on Earth, God’s Word never changes. Here is a promise God made through the Prophet Isaiah. Read Isaiah 46:11:

“I have said what I would do, and I will do it.” 

We can rest securely on the fact that every promise in the Bible will be fulfilled before the end of time. Nothing can stop Jesus from coming again!