Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Gather at least two of the following: Yo-yo, retractable tape measure, foam boomerang, paddle ball toy—paddle with an elastic string and rubber ball attached

Hold up and demonstrate the items:

  • Yo-yo—demonstrate a few times how it always returns to your hand, or allow a child to demonstrate.
  • Tape measure—pull tape out a short length and let it go so it returns a few times.
  • Foam boomerang—before class, practice throwing it so it returns to you; then show the children.
  • Paddle ball—demonstrate how you strike the ball and it returns to the paddle.

What do you think these items all have in common?

Yes, when they are pulled out, thrown, or hit, they always come back again to where they began. Jesus was with God from the beginning, and He willingly came to Earth the first time to die for our sins—taking the punishment for every one of them!

Read John 13:3:

Jesus knew that the Father had given Him authority over everything and that He had come from God and would return to God.

Jesus had to return to God so the Holy Spirit could come to Earth, live inside us, and help us live in obedience to God’s Word until Jesus comes again. Jesus also made this wonderful promise. 

Read John 14:3:

“When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with Me where I am.”

We are God’s creation, His children, and we will return with Jesus to heaven to live with God forever!