Leader Guide

Gizmo Craft

  • Disposable plastic cups, 16-ounce size, one per child plus extras
  • Ballpoint stick pens with caps, not retractable pens, one per child
  • Gizmo Cup Pattern; make one copy per child, plus extras
  • Scissors
  • Tape

We are going to make a cool craft today. 

Hand out the materials and help children follow the instructions on the pattern to make their Gizmo cups. Tell them to be careful when using the scissors to cut the slits in their cups. Help them poke a hole in the center of each cup. Cut the clips off the pen caps for the children, and show them how to insert the pens into the cups. 

Demonstrate how to spin the finished craft and look through the slits to see Gizmo “walking” inside cup.

Those are really fun; you did a nice job making them. You can take them home to show your friends and invite them to come to Sunday school!