Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

We have been talking about doing good things as we serve God and others. Sometimes we grow tired, especially when we feel no one appreciates us or even notices what we are doing. We can take heart, knowing that God sees everything, and He is the one who provides the harvest of blessings—not others. One of the good things we can do is to encourage other believers to not grow tired or give up. 

Read Hebrews 10:24:

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.

To motivate means to encourage, push, or stir up. How can we encourage others? We can remind them that God’s blessings are near. We can remind them of the special gifts and talents that God has given them to do good things and to help others. Let’s do what this verse tells us to do—to think of ways that we may be able to motivate and encourage others to love and do good things for God and others. What are some ideas you have?

Great ideas! Let’s put those ideas into action.

Optional: have children sit in groups of three or four, and have them say encouraging things about the others, such as: Sarah, you are good at memorizing Bible verses; John, it’s great how you bring visitors to church. 

Then pray for the class, asking God to give them strength and energy to continue in their service to God and others. 

Close with prayer: Dear God, we pray that You will open our spiritual eyes to see the needs of other people. Help us notice ways that we can encourage others when they are discouraged or hurting, or feel like giving up. We want to share Your love and kindness with everyone we meet. Thank You that we will receive a harvest of blessing. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.