Leader Guide
Following Activity
- Direction Slips
- Four Signs
- Tape
- Scissors
- Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
- Four volunteer leaders, in grades 5–6 if possible
Write the SuperVerse on the board including the Scripture reference: Galatians 5:25:
Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.
Make one copy of each of the four Signs in color or black and white.
Tape a Sign in each corner of the room.
Make one copy of the Direction Slips.
Cut apart the four strips along the dashed lines.
Let’s read the SuperVerse together from the board: Galatians 5:25:
Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.
Choose four volunteer team leaders from grades 5–6 if possible. Give each team leader a different Direction Slip and have them stand in the middle of the room. Instruct the team leaders to hold the correct number of fingers in the air to designate their group number. (Hold up two fingers for Group 2, etc.) Assign the remaining children to groups by counting off numbers 1–4 as you lightly tap each child on the shoulder. Have the children line up behind their team leader.
When I say “GO,” you will follow your leader to each of the four signs in the order they appear on the Direction slips. You will also need to travel in the same manner that they do. When you get to each sign, you will say the SuperVerse together, then follow your leader to the next sign. When your group arrives at the fourth sign on your Direction slip, you will remain there.
Allow all groups time to complete their journey. Did everyone end up at the same location? No, each group is in a different place.
Conclusion: What do you think was the purpose of this activity? Following your leader wherever and however you are directed; trusting your leader even though others are going in different directions and doing different things.
The leaders represent the Holy Spirit. The signs represent different parts of our lives, such as school, church, home, and outside activities. You followed your leader in all parts of your life.
Not everyone followed the same path and you didn’t know where you were going next. Paul and Silas planned to go one place, yet the Spirit led them somewhere else. To follow the Spirit in our lives, we must be willing to follow God even when we see other people going different directions and doing different things.