Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk

Write the SuperVerse on the board:

Romans 12:12 (NLT)

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 

Have the children sit down leaving about three feet around each child and facing the board.

Why is it so hard to be patient in times of trouble? We are afraid, we want help right away, we may feel alone and not sure what to do.   

As followers of Jesus, we can trust Him in every situation. And even though we can’t see Him, He is always with us. God is faithful; we can trust in His promises because He hears and answers our prayers.

Let’s say the SuperVerse together: 

“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”

Our SuperVerse tells us to do three things. What are they? Rejoice, be patient, pray.

In the Bible story, what did the lame man do when he was healed by Peter through the power of Jesus? He jumped up and was leaping and praising God. 

Imagine how he felt. He could walk for the first time since birth! What an amazing realization that he did not have to be carried around any longer – he was free! 

Now is your chance to release some energy. I will say and do motions for each part of the verse, then you repeat the words and copy my actions.

·      Romans 12:12 (Pretend to read from a Bible)

·      Rejoice in our confident hope. (Jump up and shout the words)

·      Be patient in trouble, (Smile and hold hands out with palms up)

·      and keep on praying. (Fold hands in prayer and look to the sky) 

Option: Have children take turns leading.  

Conclusion: The SuperVerse tells us to rejoice in our confident hope – that means believing something by faith before we can see it with our eyes. Let’s keep praying and trusting God.