Leader Guide


Make copies of the maze, one per child plus extras.

Give each child a copy of the Peter’s Journey Maze and a pencil. Have children write their names at the bottom. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children complete the activity.

  • What kind of costume did Gizmo wear to try and help Chris after he was late to school again? Why did he pick that costume? A clown costume; he thought Chris might want to run away with the circus instead of facing detention and possible consequences at home. 
  • What did Chris demand that Jia Wei (the hall monitor) do once they arrived in Joppa? Take off his hall monitor badge and vest.
  • Why did Chris make that demand? At first because he said he was in charge and then because he said Jia Wei would blend in better without them.
  • Why did Peter go up to the roof top? To pray and wait for the meal to be finished.
  • Why would Simon’s wife not allow the children to enter the courtyard where the meal was being prepared? Because they were unclean.
  • What two things happened after Peter shared the message with Cornelius’s household? The Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening. The people who received the Holy Spirit were then baptized in water.

Conclusion: Take your maze home and talk with your family about how we should always follow the Holy Spirit’s leading to share the Gospel with others, even those who are different from us.