Leader Guide
- Gizmo Figure Page
- Gizmo Clothes Page
- Children’s scissors
- Optional: cardstock
- Sealable bag to carry their craft home—one per child
- Bible or Superbook Bible App
Make one copy for each child of the Gizmo Figure Page and the Gizmo Clothes Page, in color or black and white, on cardstock or paper.
Let’s close our eyes and say the SuperTruth together. “Salvation is for everyone.”
To receive salvation through Jesus, does it matter what color someone’s skin is? No!
Does it matter what style of clothes they wear? No!
Does it matter how tall or short someone is? No!
Does God judge people by how they look on the outside? No, He looks at the inside.
Good answers! Salvation is for everyone! This is what God told Samuel the prophet when God sent him to anoint David as Israel’s King.
Read 1 Samuel 16:7:
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
This is what our activity is about. Give a Gizmo Figure Page and a Gizmo Clothes Page, plus a pair of children’s scissors, to each child. Give children time to cut out and dress their Gizmo in a way they identify as themselves or represents something about them. Assist any special needs children with cutting.
Have children show their Gizmos to the class and share anything they would like to say about themselves to identify with their choices.
Conclusion: No matter how many different ways Gizmo was dressed, he still was the same inside. God looks inside at our hearts, not at our outward appearance. The Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles because they received and believed Peter’s message by faith. They did not need to dress a certain way or follow Jewish customs or traditions. They were saved because they believed! Take your Gizmo home as a reminder that salvation is for everyone no matter how they appear on the outside.