Leader Guide

Sandal Game

  • Sandals Pattern
  • Feet Pattern
  • Optional: card stock
  • Scissors
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Sixth grade helpers to keep score

Make two copies of the Sandals Pattern on cardstock if possible, in color or black and white. 

Make two copies of the Feet Pattern on cardstock, if possible.

Cut out the four sandals and feet.

Place the two pairs of feet on the floor. Leave about 12ʺ—a foot—between the left and right foot of each set. Leave at least 3 feet between the two sets.

The Prodigal Son was ashamed of the decision he had made to leave home. He had wasted all of his money and felt like he wasn’t worthy to be his father’s son. Do you remember what he was going to ask his father when he returned home? If he could be one of his servants or workers.

Listen to what his father told his servants to do. Read Luke 15:22: 

“But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet.’”

Much to the son’s surprise, his father dressed him in the best robe—not working clothes! He also gave him a ring for his finger, and sandals for his feet! He did not stop there—he ordered a calf to be prepared for a celebration feast! What an amazing display of love and forgiveness! The father wasn’t treating him like a servant. He was still his father’s son! Today, we are going to play a fun game to try and place the sandals on the son’s feet! It isn’t as easy as it sounds—watch carefully. 

Demonstrate how to play the game. Stand directly over a pair of the cut-out feet. You must stand up straight and not bend over. Hold a cut-out sandal about chest-high, and then drop it. It will float to the ground. The object is to aim each sandal so it touches any part of the foot when it lands. Repeat this with the second sandal. Children cannot bend down toward the floor.

You will score a point each time a sandal is dropped on or touches any part of a foot. Now, listen to this; if you can drop a sandal on each foot you will score five points! 

Divide the class into two equal teams, then form a single-file line a few feet behind one pair of cut-out feet on the floor. If you have a smaller class, they may just gather around to watch the action. Emphasize that this is not a race. Start the game. Each team sends one player with a pair of sandals to their team’s pair of feet. After the player drops both sandals, points are tallied on the board. The player then returns to the team and gives the sandals to the next player on their team. Repeat until all children have had at least one turn. The team with the highest score wins. Play more than one round or give children additional turns as time permits. Emphasize that this is not a race.

Conclusion: Good job placing those sandals on the feet! The parable that Jesus told about the Prodigal Son should be very exciting for all of us. The father represents God, and how He welcomes us home and celebrates in heaven when we return to Him! Whenever we stray from God, He waits for us to return, and He greets us with open arms!