Leader Guide


  • Masking tape or painters tape  
  • Beanbag toss game with two targets and six beanbags; or see directions to make them using two medium-size cardboard boxes with lids; tape, knife or heavy-duty scissors; 6" plate; 12 sealable sandwich bags; and six cups of sand, rice, dried beans, or unpopped popcorn 
  • Permanent marker
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Optional: sixth grade helper to retrieve and return bean bags to the next player

Seal the top of the box with tape.

Using the plate as a template, draw a circle in the middle of the box lid, then carefully cut out the hole with knife or scissors.

Write JESUS’ EXAMPLE in large letters around the hole.

To make beanbags: Use six sealable sandwich bags. Fill each with about 1 cup of sand, rice, dried beans, or unpopped corn; don’t overfill and make too tight. Seal each bag, place and seal it in a second bag, then tape shut so it cannot open.

Use marker to write “1” on the top of one box and “2” on the top of the other box.

Write “1” on three bags and “2” on three bags.

Place the boxes near one end of the room, leaving several feet between them.

Mark or tape a starting line on the floor about 20 feet from the boxes. Mark or tape two more lines about 10 feet and 5 feet from the boxes.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “The Holy Spirit opens my eyes to the truth.”

The religious leaders in the story thought they could see, but Jesus revealed that they were spiritually blind. They rejected the truth that Jesus is the Son of God even when He stood right in front of them! They thought God was pleased with them because of all their religious activity and self-righteousness. Instead, they missed the mark by not following the way and the truth God provided through Jesus! When we know the truth, the closer and more accurately we can follow Jesus and hit the mark as we strive to follow His example.          

Today, we are going to play a fun game to show what it means to hit the mark. The goal is to try to throw the bags into the target hole. As followers of Christ, we aim to follow His example and live to please our heavenly Father.

Divide the class into two equal teams—one child may need to play twice. Teams stand in two separate single-file lines behind the mark or starting line, and in line with their box at the other end.

Place three beanbags—same color/number in a pile—on the line beside each team. 

Start the game with the first player on each team simultaneously trying to hit the mark by tossing a beanbag toward the team's box hole. The players will toss a bean bag at each line—moving closer to the box with each toss. 

Players toss until they hit the mark—bag goes totally in the hole. If the player misses the mark at a line, the player continues to toss at a closer line or until he/she is successful.   

As soon as all three bags are in the target, the player retrieves them, walks back to the starting line, and gives them to the next player. Or, if a sixth grade helper or another volunteer is retrieving the bean bags, the player simply walks to the end of the line.

The next player immediately begins to throw.  

The team that hits the mark first—throwing all bags in the hole—wins the game.

Play again as time permits; all children should get at least one turn.   

Conclusion: Was it easier to hit the mark when you were far away from the target or closer to it? Closer.

It is much easier to hit the mark when you were closer! And it’s the same way with pleasing God. The closer we are to Jesus, the more our eyes are opened to the truth and the better we can follow His perfect example. However, no matter how hard we try, we will fail to hit the mark sometimes. When that happens, should we just give up and quit? No.

No, we should ask Jesus to forgive us, then keep on going, and stay as close as possible to Him!