Leader Guide


  • Candle Pattern
  • Two sheets of cardstock
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Optional: red, orange, and yellow crayons, colored pencils, or markers  
  • Two tables
  • Optional: two empty paper towel rolls
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Make two copies of the Candle Pattern on cardstock. (Make more “candles” and use more tables for a large class.)

If using black and white copies, color the flame with the crayons, pencils or markers.

Cut around the flame, being careful not to cut the flame off.

Roll the cardstock into a tube (candle shape) and tape it closed. The flame should be visible at one end of the tube. Do not roll too tightly; the tube must easily stand upright on the table during the game.

Optional: to make sturdier “candles,” tape paper “flames” onto empty paper towel rolls.

Stand up one candle in the middle of each table. 

Jesus talks about what it means to follow Him in Luke 6:46:

“So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say?”

Following Jesus means not just listening to what He says, but also obeying. Jesus is the light of the world and when we follow and trust Him, the Bible says that we become children of the light! (See John 12:36.) That is what this game is about!

Hold up a “candle.” This is the light. You will play in pairs, and you will need to listen carefully and quickly obey my instructions. When I shout “Light,” try to grab the light before your opponent does.

Divide the children into pairs. Try to pair children of same gender and age.

Two pairs play at the same time, one pair at each table.

For each pair, the two players stand on opposite sides of a table.

Read one instruction from the list and wait a moment for all of the players to do it.

Continue this way and then randomly and without warning shout “Light.”

Each player tries to grab the light on the table before the other player can.

Play the best out of five (or best out of three if time is short or class is large).

If a light is knocked off a table before it can be grabbed, neither player gets a point.  

Optional play: if the time is limited or the class is large, add tables and candles so more pairs can play at the same time.

Instruction list: (Vary the order and repeat as desired; feel free to add your own!)

  • Stand on one foot.
  • Place a hand on your forehead.
  • Run in place.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Place a hand over one eye.
  • Raise both arms in the air.
  • Turn around once in a circle.
  • Switch sides with the other player at your table.
  • Look up at the ceiling; continue looking up until the next instruction.
  • Place both hands behind your head.
  • Drum lightly on the table with both hands.
  • Clap three times.
  • Put both arms out at your side.
  • Do three jumping jacks.
  • Conduct an orchestra.
  • Throw a pretend ball with your left arm and then your right arm.
  • Put your hands over both ears.
  • Turn sideways.

Conclusion: What was the biggest challenge of the game?

Why is it sometimes difficult to obey? It isn’t always convenient, and it’s hard when I have my own ideas or plans. Others are doing the opposite, peer pressure, don’t fully understand.

When we follow Jesus, we must be willing to obey and put His will ahead of our own. When we do that, we will be blessed here on the earth today, and forever in heaven!