Leader Guide

Object Lesson

Copy the Sharp and Blurry Pairs in color if possible—one image per page, two pages per pair.

In Bethsaida, Jesus spits on the eyes of the man who was blind. Then, Jesus placed His hands over the man’s eyes. Jesus asked him if he could see anything. The man replied that he could see, but not clearly. Jesus laid His hands on him again and the man’s sight was completely restored. (See Mark 8:22–26.)

Have you ever had an eye exam?

During an eye exam, the doctor may have you look into an instrument as the lenses are changed back and forth. What happens to the images, letters or numbers you are viewing? They go in and out of focus, they become clearer or fuzzier.

The doctor is doing this to find the best lens power or magnification for your eyes so you can see clearly. Have you ever looked through a microscope or telescope and the image was out of focus?

How do you make the image clearer? Adjust the focus.  

Demonstrate how to focus the item or items you brought. If time permits and the class is small enough, allow each child to look through the binoculars, telescope or microscope to bring things in and out of focus. Hold up a blurry picture, then hold up the same picture in focus next to it. Put that pair down and do the same for other pairs of pictures.

There is no question that Jesus could have healed the man’s eyes immediately with one touch or even one word. However, we can apply what Jesus did to our spiritual sight and knowledge. We are dependent on the Holy Spirit for our spiritual sight. Just as Jesus touched the man again to make his vision clearer, we can keep going back to God and ask for the Holy Spirit to touch us and give us a deeper understanding of His Word. Here are the two verses just before today’s SuperVerse.

Read Ephesians 1:16–17:

16 I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, 17 asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.

God delights in us coming to Him so He can give us clear insight and wisdom to know Him in a deeper way. The more we know Jesus and understand what He has done for us, the closer we will want to follow Him.