Leader Guide

Stacking Game

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App  
  • Dominoes or “Jenga”-style blocks—one per child plus extras, also used in object lesson activity below
  • Table
  • Three index cards
  • Marker 
  • Painters or masking tape  

Place table near one end of the room.

Mark or tape a line about 15–20 feet from the table.

Write “Jesus” on one index card and “Me” on two cards.

Tape the index cards so they overhang the front edge of the table. See image.

Have sixth grade helpers build a tower of dominoes or blocks above each of the two “Me” cards.

The goal for every follower of Jesus is to become more like Him as we grow in God’s Word and do what Jesus did! John the Baptist humbly pointed his followers to Jesus. He did not want to get in the way of Jesus’ ministry. We are going to play a game where we decrease and Jesus increases. Let’s get started!

Divide the children into two equal teams, and have the teams form two separate lines behind the line/mark. Each team will build a tower using a relay-style race. The first player from each team will quickly walk to the table and take a domino/block from their team’s “Me” tower and begin building a single tower over the Jesus card. The player quickly walks back to the line and the next player takes a turn. Continue until all players have taken a domino/block from their team’s “Me” tower and built the “Jesus” tower as high as possible. If the “Jesus” tower collapses during the game, the two players at the table must work together to rebuild it as quickly as possible. The sixth grade helpers or other team members may assist, if needed.  

Conclusion: You are very good builders! Was it difficult to keep your hands steady so you didn’t knock over the tower?

As we grow in our faith and become more like Jesus, people will see less of us and more of Him! This is how we can point others to Jesus! Let’s say our SuperVerse together by memory. John 3:30:

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”