Leader Guide


  • God’s Word poster board from the “On Guard” game
  • Two paper balls from the “On Guard” game
  • Sixth-grade helper or another leader to throw the balls
  • Shield from the “On Guard” game
  • Table
Discipleship Challenge materials:
  • Lifeline Bookmark page
  • Cardstock
  • String, twine, or yarn—six inches per child, plus extra
  • Scissors
  • Children’s scissors
  • Pencils
  • Single-hole punch  

Instruct the helper to sit in the front row with the paper balls hidden, watching for when you pick up the shield. This is the signal for the volunteer to immediately stand up and throw the balls, one at a time, at you. You will block the balls with the shield.

Discipleship Challenge:

Make copies of the Lifeline Bookmarks in color or black and white on cardstock—one bookmark per child, plus extras.

Cut apart the Lifeline Bookmarks from each page. The children will finish cutting them in class.

Punch a hole in each ring where marked or have children punch the holes.    

Cut the string, twine, or yarn into six-inch lengths.  

Make a model craft to display in the classroom.

Appointed by God: Jeremiah points to Jesus.

Today, I want you to be alert and on guard as I teach. Whenever I say the word “stand,” you must stand up until I say sit down. Children with disabilities or who aren’t able to stand may raise their hands instead. After children stand, wait a moment for any children who missed the signal to stand up, then ask the children to sit down again.

God called Jeremiah at a young age to speak His message. God touched Jeremiah’s mouth and said that He put His Words in his mouth to speak. Jeremiah responded that he was too young, but God said he was not too young; he must go wherever God sent him and say whatever God told him. The Lord said, “Today, I appoint you to STAND up against nations and kingdoms.”

Jeremiah was called to take a STAND against hundreds, even thousands of people! This would be an overwhelming task for anyone, yet God told Jeremiah not to be afraid because He would be with him and protect him.

What are some things that the people of Israel were doing that angered God?

Wicked and evil things, they stole, murdered, committed adultery, rebelled, worshiped idols, and offered sacrifices to false gods (burned incense to Baal).

Jeremiah did as God asked. He boldly spoke God’s words even when it meant being mocked, arrested, imprisoned, and persecuted by religious leaders and others. He was even falsely accused and thrown in a cistern, or well, and left for dead! To make things worse, a false prophet named Hananiah lied to the people about Jeremiah! (See Jeremiah 28.)

In the video, Chris told Jeremiah he didn’t need to keep warning the people because they weren’t listening to him. How did Jeremiah answer Chris? He had to speakGod’s Word was like fire in his heart and bones. He could not hold it in! Optional: read Jeremiah 20:9:

But if I say I'll never mention the LORD or speak in His name, His word burns in my heart like a fire. It's like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can't do it!

God’s Words are not ordinary words; they are alive and powerful! (See Hebrews 4:12.) When our hearts are filled with God’s Word, we will find that we must speak. Like Jeremiah, we must take a STAND!         

Jeremiah loved God’s Word. Jeremiah 15:16:  

When I discovered Your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear Your name, O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies.

Let me read one phrase again: I bear Your name. We also bear God’s name; we are made in His image, and He calls us to be set apart and to live differently from the world around us. God told Jeremiah that he must always be alert and on guard. Pick up the shield and nod discreetly to the volunteer who will immediately stand and throw the paper balls for you to block.

As we STAND for God, we must always be ready for what the world throws at us!

Conclusion: Today, God calls us to speak His message. As with Jeremiah, do not say you are too young! He calls us to be on guard and to courageously STAND for Him with the strength that He provides! We even have a helper. Do you know who? The Holy Spirit!  

No matter how young or old we are, the Holy Spirit empowers us so we can take a STAND for God.

God has a plan and a future for each of us. Our hope is in Him during good and bad times. God does not want us to be afraid, and that is what the Discipleship Challenge is about!

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application


Display the model craft for children to see. Give each child a Lifeline Bookmark, scissors, and pencil, plus a six-inch length of string, twine, or yarn. Be prepared to assist any children with special needs. Children should:

1.    Carefully cut out their bookmarks and write their names on the back.   

2.    Punch a hole in the ring where marked.

3.    Tie the string, twine, or yarn in the hole. Be prepared to assist as necessary.      

How was Jeremiah rescued from the cistern? He was pulled up from the cistern with ropes by Ebed-Melech and thirty of the king’s guards.

The men threw the ropes into the cistern, but they could not pull him out unless Jeremiah did something. What did Jeremiah need to do? Jeremiah needed to take hold of the ropes and put them under his arms.   

The craft you made is a life ring with a lifeline. Where would you typically see one? Near water, like a pool, beach or lake. On a boat or dock.    

What is it used for? To throw to someone who might be drowning or struggling in the water. 

Because the people refused to obey God and repent, He turned them over to their enemies to be taken out of Jerusalem as slaves. God sent Jeremiah to deliver a message to them. God’s message was a lifeline of hope to get the people through hard times.

Read Jeremiah 29:10:

“You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again.”

Now, the verse that follows this is written on your Life Ring; let’s read it aloud together. Jeremiah 29:11: 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah chose to grab hold of the lifeline. We also have a choice to make. In difficult times, we can choose to trust God or worry. God told Jeremiah not to be afraid because He was with him and He had a plan and purpose for him. This is true for us today. When we have Jesus in our hearts, we have the assurance that He will be with us to guide us and give us strength every day. And someday, He will take us to heaven where there are no problems or suffering!

Use this bookmark in your Bible or in a book you are reading. When you face a situation that causes worry or fear, reach for the lifeline and say the verse aloud. Let it be a source of hope and a reminder to trust God’s plan for your life. For the first challenge, try to memorize the first part of the verse:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. 

Let’s all say that together now.