Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser 

At the top of the board, write these words in a word bank: News, power, serving, spreading, Him, privilege, grace, God’s, given, mighty.
Beneath the word bank, write the SuperVerse—Ephesians 3:7:

By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving Him by spreading this Good News.

Superbook on Top: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

The Apostle Paul wrote this verse. Does anyone know anything about Paul? Children reply.

Paul, who was known as Saul, wanted to arrest and persecute followers of Christ for sharing the Gospel. But after God stopped him on the road to Damascus, Paul was completely changed! He spent the rest of his life serving God and spreading the Gospel.

Grace is God’s free gift of undeserved favor and mercy. We are saved and blessed by God’s grace—not by the good things we have done or will do. We have the privilege of sharing this Good News so others might experience God’s love and mercy, too.

Let’s read our SuperVerse on the board. Ephesians 3:7:

By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving Him by spreading this Good News.

Erase the individual words in the SuperVerse that are written in the word bank, but do not erase the words in the word bank! Read the SuperVerse slowly and stop at each space. Have the children raise their hands to fill in the words from the word bank. Write the correct words into the SuperVerse as they are given. If someone answers incorrectly, call on another child until the correct word is chosen. Now, erase the word bank and do the activity again, stopping at each space and having children supply the missing words from memory. If time permits, erase the entire verse and ask if anyone can say it from memory.

If children cannot memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.

Conclusion: It is our privilege to serve God by sharing the Gospel. Let us use every opportunity we have to share His Good News!