Leader Guide

Bowling Game

  • Philip Bowling Game page
  • Twenty empty water bottles
  • Four tennis balls or small rubber balls
  • Masking tape or painter's tape
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk

Make two copies of the Philip Bowling Game page.
Fold each sign in half on the line so the words face each other.
Tape the “KINGDOM” half of both signs on the floor several feet apart. The “GOD’S” section should now be upright.
Tape or mark a line on the floor about 15 feet from the signs.
Place ten bottles in a triangle pattern on the floor like bowling pins. Begin with four bottles set on top of the “KINGDOM” section of the sign taped to the floor.
See image—Philip Bowling Game Setup

Seek-a-bowl: Play a bowling game of priorities.

In Large Group, you were asked to watch carefully to find out what a man named Simon thought he could buy with his money. Who knows the answer? God’s power; the power to lay hands on people to receive the Holy Spirit. 

Can we ever buy the things of God—like forgiveness, mercy, salvation, or power? No! 

If they can’t be bought, how can we possibly receive them? Through believing and obeying Jesus. He gives them to us as free gifts. 

Yes, when we put God first and seek to grow closer to Him, He gives us these things and more—everything we need! The key is seeking Him above all else! Simon put fame, personal gain, and power in front of God’s kingdom. Peter told him to repent and seek God first. That’s what our game “Seek-a-bowl” is about. 

Divide the children into two teams; they don’t need to be equal. Teams will form two single-file lines behind the mark or taped line. Hand two balls to the first players on each team. 

Why can’t we clearly see what the signs say? The bottles are in the way. 

The bottles represent things that people seek in place of God—things like power, popularity or friendships, possessions and wealth, entertainment, or success, to name a few. These things can get in the way or take priority over seeking God’s kingdom—just like you see here. Your mission is to roll the balls so the bottles are moved from in front of the “God’s kingdom” signs to behind them. This represents seeking God first, with all else being less important. Keep this in mind: it isn’t enough to knock the pins over—each pin must rest behind the sign to win. 

Have the teams form separate lines behind the starting line. Say “Go” to start the game. The first players of each team roll one ball at a time to try to knock the pins behind the sign. Once both balls are rolled, the players will quickly retrieve the balls and bring them to the next player in line. The first team to knock all of the bottles behind their sign wins. 

Conclusion: Let’s say our SuperVerse together—Matthew 6:33: 

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” 

Now we can clearly see and focus on God’s kingdom! As followers of Christ, we need to keep God first and make His will a priority. Sometimes that means making changes to rearrange or remove things from our lives. Let’s learn more about seeking God for the right reasons in our teaching time.