Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Priority Prayers: Communicate with God.

Why did Peter become so angry with Simon the magician? He thought he could buy God’s power.

Peter told Simon that his heart was not right with God. Even though Simon believed in Jesus, he still needed to repent and change his old way of thinking. Simon wanted God’s power for the wrong reasons. He placed his own selfish desires above seeking God’s kingdom.

As followers of Christ, we must never stop seeking God to grow closer and stronger in our relationship with Him and to know His ways and will. Sometimes things can get “out of whack”—or out of order—in our lives. We must then put them back in their proper place. Thankfully, we don’t have to do this alone; the Holy Spirit can help us.

Let’s close our eyes and bow our heads. If you want, you can open your hands or lift them to God as a sign of surrender and submission to His will. Pray silently and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any things or desires that have become more important than seeking God. Allow children time to pray.

Next, silently ask the Holy Spirit to help you seek God and to desire His presence in your life more than anything else. Allow children time to pray.

Pray: Dear God, help us to seek Your kingdom above anything else and to hunger and thirst for Your presence. Let us make time to pray and worship and to read Your Word every day to learn more about You. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.