Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • One clean, clear jar with a lid
  • One ball that will fit into the jar: a ping pong ball, golf ball, or handball
  • About ten small stones that will fit into the jar
  • Uncooked rice—enough to fill the jar with stones and ball inside
  • Tray to hold all of the above

First Things First: Visually show seeking God above all else.

Together, let’s say our SuperVerse, which is Mathew 6:33: 

 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

Display the tray with the empty jar, the ball, the stones, and the rice. The jar represents our lives. Let’s fill this jar with things we might choose to pursue or do in a day. These things are represented by this rice.

Begin by pouring in the rice and talk about how it represents things like hobbies, watching TV, browsing the internet, hanging out with friends, sports, and reading for pleasure.

These stones represent the important things that we must do each day. Begin placing the stones and talk about how they represent things such as sleeping, going to school, doing chores, practicing an instrument, eating, and studying.

Now, hold up the ball. This ball represents God and everything related to seeking and serving Him. These can be things like reading your Bible, praise and worship time, praying, going to church, and serving others.

Attempt to fit the ball in the jar and close the lid—it won’t work!

Oh no! Everything was supposed to fit inside this jar, but it doesn’t. There isn’t enough room in the jar, which represents our lives, to seek and pursue the things of God! Pour everything out of the jar onto the tray.  

Does anyone have an idea of what we could do to fix this problem? Children respond.

Today, we have been learning to seek God above all else. Let’s start over by putting God in the jar first. Place the ball in the jar.

Now, let’s put in the important things we need to do every day. Place the stones in.

Now, let’s put in all the activities we might choose to do. Put in the rice and put the lid on the jar.

Look, everything fits perfectly! When we put God first, everything else falls into place. When we seek God above all else, other things can’t take the place of our time with Him. When we are faithful to do this, God promises to give us everything we need!