Leader Guide

Group Activity

The Loner (5-10 mins)

This game is like a mash-up of Marco Polo (without the swimming) and Four Corners (without the corners). Be sure students know to walk and not run, and be prepared to play a few more rounds than you originally intended.

If you have time, use the wrap-up at the bottom to tie the game into the lesson. Otherwise, let the kids have fun without the discussion.

Items Needed:

  • Blindfold

Game Setup:

  1. Choose one person to become the Loner. Help him or her put on the blindfold.
  2. Have everyone else spread out around the room.
  3. Remind everyone that this game is strictly WALKING ONLY—no running.
  4. Have everyone be silent. (Good luck!)


  • Players move around the room, including the Loner.
  • The Loner says, “Am I alone?”
  • The other players respond heartily, “You’re not alone!” and immediately FREEZE.
  • The Loner then takes up to three steps—of any size, and changing direction if desired—trying to touch someone.
  • If a person gets touched, he becomes the new Loner, the blindfold gets passed to him, and the game starts over.
  • If the Loner does not touch anyone he says, “Hello?” and all players are again free to move around the room until the Loner asks, “Am I alone?” again.


That was fun, wasn’t it! How did it feel to be the Loner? Children respond. When you weren’t the Loner, was it hard to be silent?

Sometimes, it feels like we are alone in our lives, doesn’t it? But just like in this game, there are people all around you, even though it may feel like they are trying to stay away from you!

God wants us to take off our blindfold and see what He has done for us. King David called God’s Word a lamp to guide his feet and a light for his path (Psalm 119:105).

So, if you’re feeling like you’re walking around in the dark all the time, what can you do? Study God’s Word—the Bible. You’ll see that you are far from alone. He loves you, and He will lead you to people who can help you.