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Forgiveness Prayers: Communicate with God.

What’s our SuperTruth today? Jesus came to save us!

Jesus came to save us. We needed to be saved because of our _____. Sins.

The Pharisees did not believe that they needed to be saved from anything. They thought that because they were descendants of Abraham and followed the Law of Moses, God would approve of them. This is not true. The Bible says that we all have sinned and need a Savior. Nothing we do on our own can save us.

Jesus paid the price with His own life on the cross so we could be forgiven and saved. 1 John 1:9 (NLT) says,

But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

Today, in our prayer time, you will have the opportunity to silently ask Jesus to forgive you of any sins you are aware of, and also any that you aren’t. First, let’s close our eyes and ask God to forgive us for anything we have done or said that is displeasing to Him. Allow time for children to silently pray.

Sometimes, we may not even know that we have done or said something that isn’t pleasing to God until we take the time to ask Him to show us. So, while our eyes are still closed, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that we’ve done or said to disobey God. Allow time for children to pray silently.

Now, while our eyes are still closed, let’s ask God to forgive us and cleanse all of our sins. Allow time for children to pray.

Pray: Dear Jesus, thank You for coming to earth to save and forgive us. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for searching our hearts and revealing anything that doesn’t please God. Help us to always come to You because You are faithful and want to forgive, cleanse, and save us! In Your name, we pray, amen.