Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk

Write the SuperVerse on the board:

1. “And I will give you—girls
2. A new heart—boys
3. And I will put—girls
4. A new spirit in you.”—boys
5. Ezekiel 36:26—girls and boys
Note: If you don’t have both girls and boys in the class, divide the children into two teams to say it.

Superbook Inside Giving: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

The SuperVerse is what God said through the Prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament. God was calling His disobedient people back to Him. He promised to take away their resistant, stubborn heart and replace it with a tender, responsive heart—a heart that would accept and obey God’s will. Today, God places His Spirit inside everyone who believes in Jesus. His Spirit enables us to walk in His way and do His will. What we need to do then is listen and follow His leading.

Have the children face the board. To help us learn the SuperVerse, I would like the girls to “give” and say lines 1 and 3. The boys will “receive” and say lines 2 and 4. Let’s try it. Children say their lines.

Now, I would like you to turn so you cannot see the board. This time, I would like you to try to repeat your parts by memory. Children say their lines from memory.

Optional: Have the girls and boys exchange lines and repeat the activity again. If any children are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.