Leader Guide

Maze Activity

Make copies of the Nile River Maze, one per child, plus extras.

Baby Moses in the Nile: Trace the safest routes for baby Moses to float to the princess.

Give each child a copy of the maze and a pencil.

Your mission is to find two paths on the Nile River for Moses to float safely to the princess. What are some dangerous things on the river that you must avoid? Rocks, snakes, hippos, crocodiles.

Tell the children they may begin. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children complete the activity. They may color the picture after tracing the routes.

1. Why did Moses need to be hidden in a basket on the river? Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew baby boys to be thrown into the river.

2. Why didn’t the basket sink in the water? Moses’ mother (Jochebed) put tar on the outside of the basket to waterproof it.

3. Why was it surprising that Pharaoh’s daughter wanted to keep the baby safe? Because it was against what her father had ordered.

4. Who gave Moses his name? Pharaoh’s daughter, the princess.

5. This question is more difficult—do you remember what Moses’ name means? “I lifted him out of the water.”

Have the children share the two safe routes that they found.

Your maze can be a reminder of our SuperTruth today; let’s say it together: “I am safe in God’s care.”