Leader Guide

Drawing Game

  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk (multiple colors of markers or chalk are ideal)
  • Eraser
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with a second hand, or timer app

Who or What? Play a game to guess things from the Bible story.

We have learned about Moses’ birth and his calling when God revealed Himself to him. Now, it’s time to put your drawing and acting skills to work! In this game, we will play as one large group. When it’s your turn, I will whisper something from our video or our lessons about The Birth of Moses. You can choose to draw it on the board or act it out as the class guesses; however, you cannot say a word!

If they can’t guess in thirty seconds, I will choose another volunteer to draw or act out the same thing. If it still isn’t guessed correctly, I will reveal it. Let’s play!

A different player will draw or act out each time. Whisper the item or event to the player and allow a few seconds for the player to think before you start the time. Players have thirty seconds to draw or act out their item or person. Try to give more challenging topics from the list to older players. If time permits: after each answer is revealed, discuss how it connects with the story.

Word List

1. Basket

2. Crocodile

3. Nile or river

4. Brick

5. Egyptian soldier or taskmaster

6. Burning bush

7. Baby

8. Princess

9. Pharaoh’s palace

10. Tar; waterproofing the basket

11. Baby blanket or blanket

12. Jochebed, Moses’ mother

13. Amram, Moses’ father

14. Man carrying large stones or bricks

15. Riverbank

16. Bread or Bread of Life

17. Light or Light of the World

18. Gate

19. Shepherd or Good Shepherd

20. Resurrection

21. Vine

22. Branches

23. The Way

Conclusion: You did an excellent job with your drawing and acting. The story of Moses is a reminder of how we are safe in God’s hands. He has a plan for us and will go with us as we do our part and submit to His will.