Leader Guide

Craft Activity

  • The Birth of Moses God’s Name Craft
  • The Birth of Moses YHWH Sign
  • Cardstock—two sheets per child, plus extras
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers
  • Children’s scissors
  • Child-safe, fast-drying glue or glue sticks
  • Bible or Superbook Bible app

Make copies of The Birth of Moses God’s Name Craft on cardstock—one per child, plus extras.
Make one copy of The Birth of Moses YHWH Sign.
Make a sample craft to display in class.

God’s Name: Handle with care.

God told Moses to go to His people. Moses asked God what he should say when they asked who sent him. God’s answer is today’s SuperVerse. Let’s say it together.

Exodus 3:14:

God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. Say this to the people of Israel: I AM has sent me to you.”

God then said, “This is My eternal name, My name to remember for all generations.” (See Exodus 3:15.)

This is exciting! It means that God’s name is the same today as it was then; He has no end! Many names describe His characteristics and nature, but this is His personal name. This name was considered by Jewish leaders to be so sacred that it should not be spoken. To do so would be breaking the third commandment to not take God’s name in vain, which means to misuse or carelessly use His name. In other words, we should handle or use God’s name with great care!

God’s name is represented in Hebrew by what is called the Tetragrammaton, which means “four letters.” In the English language, the letters look like this. Hold up the YHWH sign.

It is pronounced YAH-WAY. The root meaning of this word is “to be.” God wasn’t ever created—He has always existed, even before the beginning of time! He created everything, and He continues to sustain everything in the universe. This is how His name would appear in Hebrew, the language that the Jews spoke long ago, and which they still speak today.

Hold up the finished craft. Now, you will make a craft as a reminder that God’s name is like no other; He has no equal! Display the sample craft for children to see as they work.

Give a God’s Name Craft, plus a sheet of cardstock, pencil, glue, and scissors to each child. Provide crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share. Have the children color the letters on the page, and then cut out the letters and verse block. Have the children write their names on one side of the cardstock. On the other side, they should glue the Hebrew letters and verse block, following the correct order on the sample craft.

Conclusion: Our Almighty God is the “I AM.” He is the one who has always been and the Creator of all life. Revelation 1:8 says:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.”

The amazing part is that Yahweh, the “I AM,” wants to be with us now and forever in heaven! He loves us and will reveal Himself to us as we live for Him and fulfill His plan for us.