Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Painter’s tape or masking tape
  • Four socks—two each of two colors
  • Large clean trash can or box

Roll the same-color socks together to form a ball from each pair.
Place the clean trash can or box at the end of the room and against a wall, if possible.
Place a mark or line about 12–15 feet from the trash can.

On Your Mark! Play a game to illustrate what it means to sin.

What does sin mean? Disobeying God and His Word, purposely doing something you shouldn’t do or choosing not to do something you should do.

One meaning of sin is to miss the mark—like shooting an arrow and missing the target. Can you think of another example in sports of missing the mark? Shooting a basketball and missing the hoop, kicking a soccer ball and missing the net.

God wants us to obey Him because He knows what is best for us. He understands the problems that our disobedience and sin will cause. His laws, like the Ten Commandments, are to protect us. What can happen when we are disobedient? We can feel guilty, fear punishment, hurt ourselves or others, cause others to lose trust in us.

Why didn’t people trust Zacchaeus? He was dishonest when he collected taxes. He took more money than was required.

The people were quick to point out Zacchaeus’s sins, but they were sinners, too! Let’s say our SuperVerse together, Romans 3:23:

All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.

With God’s help, we can avoid sin and hit the mark. So let’s play a game about that. We’ll throw rolled up socks toward our target, which is the trash can (or box). No matter which team we’re on, we all have a common goal to succeed, so let’s cheer each other on!

Divide the class into two equal teams. One child may need to play twice. Try to mix older and younger children on each team. Teams stand next to each other, in single file, behind the line or mark. Give a sock ball to the first player on each team.

Start the game. The first player on each team will try to hit the target or mark by tossing a sock ball toward the trash can. If a sock hits the mark by going in the can, the player retrieves it and gives it to the next player. If it misses the mark, the player quickly retrieves the sock ball and throws it from the spot where it landed. The player must keep trying until the ball goes into the can.

The first team to finish wins, but the other team will continue to play until all players have taken a turn. Players should all cheer each other on. The goal is for everyone to be successful! Play again as time permits.

God’s standard for us is to never sin—not even one time! The reality is that sometimes, just like in this game, we miss the mark and sin. The only one in history who never, ever missed the mark is Jesus! God loves us so much that He provided a way for our sins to be forgiven through His perfect Son, Jesus! That’s why everyone needs Jesus! Let’s learn more about this in today’s teaching.