Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Two poster boards for every team of four to six children, depending on class size
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • One beach ball or large round balloon for each team
  • Marker
  • Masking tape or painter’s tape
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with a second hand, or timer app
  • See Sermon on the Mount Wise Builders Game image for reference.  

Use the marker to write “God’s Word” in large letters on each poster board.
Inflate the beach balls or balloons.
Tape the poster boards on the floor in sets of two, leaving several feet between them (see diagram). If using a balloon, you may want to decrease the distance to 3–4 feet.
Write the SuperVerse on the board: Matthew 7:24 (NLT):
“Anyone who listens to My teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.”
Also, use the board to keep track of each team’s points.

Wise Builders: Play a game to stand on God’s Word.

Let’s say today’s SuperVerse together: “Anyone who listens to My teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.”

Jesus’ words are God’s words. In fact, Jesus IS the Word of God. John 1:14 says:

So the Word became human and made His home among us.

So, when we talk about following Jesus’ teaching, it is the same as standing on God’s Word. When Jesus lived in the world, He experienced everything from happiness to sorrow, praise to opposition and persecution, death, and then victory! Everything we encounter, Jesus did, too.

Point to the poster boards on the floor. When we choose to live our lives like Christ, we need a solid foundation of God’s Word to stand on so that when the storms of life come along, we can endure and triumph. No matter what happens—good or bad—our faith can stay strong and unshaken!

We are going to play a game called “Solid Footing.” In this game, you will stand on God’s Word, represented by the poster boards.

Hold up a ball or balloon. The ball represents whatever happens in our lives—good or bad! It can be success or failure, joy or sadness. No matter what the circumstance, we need to stand on God’s Word and stay firm in our faith! When we do that, we will grow stronger and become more like Christ.

Once I divide you into teams, choose someone you don’t know very well to be your partner. When it’s your turn, you and your partner will hit the ball back and forth as many times as you can while you both keep at least one foot on the poster board at all times. If both feet are off at the same time, or if the ball hits the ground, your turn ends, and the next set of players immediately take your place and start hitting the ball. You get one point for every time you hit the ball, so count aloud as you play, then give your leader the total to keep score.

Divide the children into teams of four to six children. Teams should have an even number of children, or one player may need to play twice. Have children choose someone they don’t know very well to be their partner.

Set the timer for one minute and say, “Go!” One pair from each team plays at the same time. Record the number of points for each team on the board.

After a pair completes their turn, they become spotters to watch the next players’ feet. When time is up, count up the points for each team and declare a winner.

Conclusion: You did a great job standing on God’s Word! When difficult times come, we must trust in God’s Word to see us through. Even in good times, when we have joy and success, we must stand on God’s Word instead of trusting in ourselves and our own ability. No matter what the world throws at us, we must always continue to build our lives on God’s Word.