Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Red, yellow, or orange crayons, colored pencils, or markers
  • Two tables
  • Two empty paper towel rolls, plus extras
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible app
  • Sermon on the Mount Candle Flame Page

Make a copy of the Candle Flame Page in color or black and white.
If copied in black and white, color the flame with the crayons, pencils, or markers.
Cut the flames out.
Tape a flame to the top of each roll.
Stand up one candle in the middle of each table.

Light Work: Play a game to shine your light.

In Large Group, you were asked to listen carefully for the reason Matthew said he didn’t have many friends. What’s the answer? He was a tax collector.

Back then, tax collectors worked for the Roman government, which didn’t treat the Jewish people very well. Plus, tax collectors often took more money from people than they should!

Hold up a candle. This represents Jesus’ light. The SuperTruth says, “I will be a light to others.” That is what this game is about.

Jesus says that good deeds done with the right heart can bring praise to God. In this game, I will give you an instruction to do something representing a good deed. Listen carefully and act out my instructions right where you are standing—don’t leave the table.

When I suddenly shout, “Shine your Light,” try to grab the light on your table before your opponent does.

Divide the children into pairs. Try to pair children of a similar age together. Two pairs of children will play at one time—one pair at a table.
Each player in a pair stands on opposite sides of a table.
Read one instruction from the list and wait a moment for the players to do it. Continue this way and then, without warning, shout, “Shine your light.”
Each player then tries to grab the light at their table before the other player can.
Play the best out of three.
If a light is knocked off a table before it can be grabbed, neither player gets the point.
If time permits, mix up the pairs and play again.

Optional: If the time is limited or the class is larger, add tables and candles.

Instruction List (Vary the order and repeat as desired; feel free to add your own.)

  • Open the door for someone. 
  • Walk and carry someone’s books. 
  • Pat someone on the back. 
  • Smile. 
  • Clap for someone.
  • Run to help someone. 
  • Erase the board for a teacher. 
  • Empty the trash can.
  • Rake the leaves.
  • Mow the grass.
  • Pick up litter and put it in the trash can.
  • Wash the dishes.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Pray for someone.
  • Hang your clothes in the closet.
  • Smile and shake hands with a visitor at church.
  • Sing a song to praise God.
  • Water the flowers.
  • Wash the car.
  • Rock the baby to sleep.
  • Help your brother or sister pick up toys.
  • Jump for joy. 
  • Lift hands toward heaven.
  • Hold both ears to listen to someone.
Conclusion: Let’s always be on the lookout for opportunities to shine our lights no matter where we go by following Jesus’ example. There’s a saying, “You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” That means you may be able to talk about something, but can you actually do it? Jesus always did exactly what He taught. Let’s find out more about this in our Signpost Teaching.