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The Invasion of the Bug-O-Mytes - A Lesson in Working Together

Quantum Labs has a big problem with bugs. No, not the type you call an exterminator to remedy. These pests are computer software bugs called Bug-O-Mytes and they are causing the lab’s computers to be, well… buggy! Gears is offended that instead of asking him, Miss Tina asked Rodney from the IT department to get rid of the bugs. Gears says he has a hardware solution, while Rodney says he has a software fix. Miss Tina saves the day with a Bible story about Nehemiah and how the Israelites worked together to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. In this lesson, children learn the importance of working together to accomplish more than they could alone. Because after all—two people are better off than one!

Chris will get detention if he’s late for school again, yet a hall monitor quickly reports him for not being on time. The two boys could never be friends—or could they? Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo—along with the hall monitor—to first-century Israel. They meet the Apostle Peter and Cornelius, a Roman army officer—two very different men with little in common until they both have amazing visions from the Lord. The children learn that God doesn’t have favorites and salvation is for everyone!

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