Leader Guide

Teaching Time

  • Bible or Superbook Bible App
  • Walking cane, walking stick, or yardstick
  • Soccer ball or basketball
  • Marble
  • Baseball or tennis ball

    Text: Exodus 3:1-4:31

Note: Substitute different ball types and sizes and adjust presentation if desired.

Have children sit at least arm’s length from each other.

Moses was watching his sheep in the wilderness when he saw something very unusual and amazing. Do you remember what he saw? A bush that was on fire but it did not burn up.

Moses had never seen anything like this. NO ONE had ever seen anything like this, even today!

When Moses walked over to the bush to look closer. God called Moses’ name from the bush!

Imagine how Moses felt. First, he sees a bush on fire; then he hears a voice when he was alone with only his sheep! How would you feel? Scared, surprised, shocked, afraid.

God told Moses that he wanted him to go to—the cruel ruler of Egypt. Pharaoh made the Israelites work very hard… too hard! God wanted Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt so they could be live in a new land and had all they needed.

Was Moses full of courage and excited to do what God asked him to do? No, he was afraid.

No, Moses didn’t think he was the one God should send because it was a very BIG job. How big? Demonstrate holding arms out as wide as you can for the children to imitate.

This wasn’t a small job. Demonstrate a small pinch with index fingers and thumbs of both hands.

It was a really, really, really big job! Demonstrate raising both arms as high as you can and standing on top toes.

To help Moses have courage, God said He would go with him. Then God did a miracle for Moses.

Toss cane on floor. God turned Moses’ staff into a living snake.

Pick up the cane. Then he turned it into a staff again.

God also told Moses that He would do more miracles so people would know God had sent Moses.

Did Moses have the courage to go after all God said He would do? NO!

Moses still thought the job was too big for Him. How big? Demonstrate holding arms out as wide as you can for children to imitate.

This wasn’t a small job. Demonstrate a small pinch with index fingers and thumbs of both hands.

It was a really, really big job! Demonstrate raising both arms as high as you can and standing on top toes.

When Moses still would not go, God said He would send Moses’ brother named Aaron with him to speak for Moses. Did Moses have the courage to go to Pharoah now? YES!

Yes, this time Moses had the courage to obey God.

God was kind and very patient with Moses. He gave Moses all he needed to have the courage to obey. God gave Moses the courage to do a very big thing. Demonstrate raising both arms as high as you can and standing on top toes.

Hold the soccer ball. This is a big ball, isn’t it?

In the other video we watched, Miss Tina explained to Super-Gizmo that God doesn’t only give us courage to do big things. He also gives us courage to do smaller, everyday things too.

Hold up the marble. This is much smaller than the soccer ball, right? Children respond.

Hold up both balls. So, God gives us courage to do big and small things. Put the balls down.

Pick up the baseball. He also gives us the courage to do things that aren’t big and not so small.

Hold all three balls in arms and hands from small to large.

No matter how big, small, or in between, God is with us and He will give us the courage to do what we need to do.

Everyone is different!

Hold up the soccer ball. What may seem big or difficult to you.

Hold up the marble. May seem small or easy to another person.

Hold up the soccer ball. What may seem big to someone else,

Hold up the marble. May seem small to you.

God wants us to trust Him for the courage to do everything— big or small, hard or easy, old or new.

Moses was afraid but he chose to put his trust in God and he obeyed God. That’s exactly what our memory verse says today, so let’s learn it together now.