Leader Guide

Optional Opening Game

  • Bush Game Pages (four pages)
  • Flame Page
  • Cardstock, four sheets
  • Poster board
  • Blindfold: use a sleep mask, bandana or cloth (You may choose to purchase one for each child)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Crayons or markers: brown, green, orange and yellow
  • Masking tape or painter's tape

Option: for a blindfold, use the Object To Go! mask and cover the eye holes with cloth and tape.

Make one copy each of the four different Bush Pages on cardstock in color or black and white.

If pages are not in color, use green and brown crayons or markers to color the pages.

Make one copy of the Flame Page in color or black and white, one page per three children.

If pages are not in color, use orange and yellow crayons or markers to color the images.

Cut out the individual flames on each page.

Glue the four Bush Pages to the poster board to assemble a bush. Row 1: A, B. Row 2: C, D.

Tape the poster board on a wall at a height where all children can touch the top of the bush.

Mark or tape a starting line about 10 feet from the wall (vary distance as desired).

OPTIONAL: Write each child’s name on one of the flames.

Have children form a single-file line behind the mark or line.

Can anyone remember the name of the shepherd in the wilderness? Moses.

Point to the bush on the wall. In our Bible story, Moses saw a bush but something was very different about this bush. Do you know why it was different? It was on fire but it didn’t burn up.

Make circles with your fingers and hold them up to your eyes.

I need you to look closely at the bush, so let’s put on our binoculars. Make circles with your fingers and hold them up to your eyes.

Is this bush burning—do you see any flames of fire? No!

We need to do something about that! In this game, you will each have a chance to put a flame of fire on the bush so it can burn like the bush Moses saw. Raise your hand if you have played a game called “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” Children respond.

Show a flame. When it is your turn, I will put a ring of tape on the back of a flame.

Then I will place a blindfold on you. Try your best not to peek!

You will carefully walk to the wall and try to place the flame in the bush without looking. Once you have stuck your flame to the wall, you can’t move it! You may then take the blindfold off and look at the bush to see where you put the flame.

Play until all children have taken a turn. Remove the figures and play again if time permits.

Note: If a child misses the bush, gently guide them to stand in front of it and try again.

Conclusion: Wow, look at the bush. The fire is so bright that we don’t need our binoculars to see it! We will find out why the bush was burning and why it was so important in our Bible story a little later.