Leader Guide

Object to Go

Optional: Make a copy of the Superhero Mask Image in color or black and white. Show the mask or hold up the image. After showing the mask, put it on, or have a child volunteer wear it, but only if it won't frighten the children.

· How is this different than the one we used in the game we just played? It has eye holes, the eye openings aren’t covered, you can still see with it.

· Where have you seen someone wearing a mask like this? On TV, in a movie, at costume parties.

· Who might wear a mask? A hero or superhero, a villain or bad person.

· What is a mask supposed to do? Hide who you are. Keep who you are a secret.

· In the video we will watch, a robot has a mask on and just became a superhero to help people. Who do you think is the new superhero, Gears, Gizmo, Rig, Widget, Miss Tina, or Dr. DentaBot? Children respond.

· Let’s watch the video to see if anyone guessed correctly!

Leave the question unanswered until it is revealed in the video.

Play Video (Super-Gizmo Begins)

Super-Gizmo Begins

Video Discussion

● What was Gears working on in the garage? Super Gizmo’s car, the Gizmobile.

● What was Gizmo’s superhero name? Super Gizmo

● Super Gizmo said he was the superhero. Do you remember what he said he didn’t have? Fear.

● What did Gears want to be for Super Gizmo? His sidekick or helper.

● Since God gave Super Gizmo courage, what did he think his job was to do? Save the world.

● Miss Tina said God sometimes gives us courage to do big things, but what does God most often give us the courage to do? Small (everyday) things.

● Can you name something that God gave you the courage to do? Children respond.

Super Gizmo said that he was the superhero with no fear. Having no fear is not courage. Courage is trusting God to help you do something even when you are afraid or scared. Whether the job is big or small, God gives us courage to do both.