Leader Guide

Take Home Coloring Page

  • Rig's masterpiece Take-Home Coloring Page
  • Crayons or washable markers

The Take-Home Coloring Page located in Resources can be printed and given to students to color at the end of class if time, then to take home.

Print one page for each child plus extras.

Provide crayons or washable markers for children.

As children color, review today’s lesson using the discussion points below:

● Who was Rig trying to paint? Professor Quantum.

● Why was Gears lying on the floor? Rig painted so long that he fell asleep.

● Can you name something new you tried to do that took a long time to learn? Children respond.

● Who did God give you to help you be patient? The Holy Spirit who grows patience in me.

God has given us all different abilities and skills. Sometimes we are good at some things and sometimes we aren’t. This is true for everyone. Be thankful to God for what you can do well, and have patience with yourself as you learn new things.