Leader Guide

Optional Opening Game

  • Whiteboard with different color dry erase markers and eraser or easel with pad and markers

In our video today, a robot decides to become an artist and some friends try to guess what the new artist has drawn. I am going to draw some pictures and you will try to guess what I am drawing.

Our lesson today is about how it’s important to have patience. So, sometimes as I draw, you can guess what the picture is before I finish. Other times I will say “Please be patient” before I start to draw. When I say that, you must wait until I am finished drawing and then I will ask for you to raise your hand and I’ll choose someone to guess.

Use the objects on the list below to draw simple pictures. Use different colors to help the children recognize the object. Choose objects in any order and add your own as desired. About every 2-3 pictures, preface your drawing by saying “Please be patient.” so children must wait to guess until the drawing is finished. As children guess, encourage children by saying “good guess”, or “keep trying”.

Optional: after a few turns, choose volunteers to draw pictures but set a certain time limit so children don’t lose interest.

1. Baby 2. Pacifier 4. Star 5. Moon 6. Baby bottle 7. Beard 8. Sun 9.Clouds 10 Rain

11. Lightning bolt 12. Tent 13. Baby stroller 14. Moon 15.Campfire

Conclusion: You were good guessers even when my drawing wasn’t very good. Thank you for being patient when I asked.