Leader Guide
Site: | Superbook Academy |
Course: | The Fast and the Gear-ious - A Lesson in Patience |
Book: | Leader Guide |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1:24 PM |
Leader Introduction
Welcome students as they arrive with their parents.
OPTIONAL: As they arrive, play the song “Patience in Waiting.”
Today’s Bible story reinforces and expands the previous lessons about Abraham and Sarah. God performed a miracle and despite Sarah’s old age, she gave birth to a baby boy, just as God promised.
At Quantum Labs, Rig decides to become an artist but has a hard time being patient with himself as he tries to learn how to paint. Gears doesn’t help matters with his honest critique of Rig’s first portrait. Children will learn the importance of having patience with others and also with yourself!
*Scripture is quoted from the New Living Translation unless noted.
Optional Opening Game
- Whiteboard with different color dry erase markers and eraser or easel with pad and markers
In our video today, a robot decides to become an artist and some friends try to guess what the new artist has drawn. I am going to draw some pictures and you will try to guess what I am drawing.
Our lesson today is about how it’s important to have patience. So, sometimes as I draw, you can guess what the picture is before I finish. Other times I will say “Please be patient” before I start to draw. When I say that, you must wait until I am finished drawing and then I will ask for you to raise your hand and I’ll choose someone to guess.
Use the objects on the list below to draw simple pictures. Use different colors to help the children recognize the object. Choose objects in any order and add your own as desired. About every 2-3 pictures, preface your drawing by saying “Please be patient.” so children must wait to guess until the drawing is finished. As children guess, encourage children by saying “good guess”, or “keep trying”.
Optional: after a few turns, choose volunteers to draw pictures but set a certain time limit so children don’t lose interest.
1. Baby 2. Pacifier 4. Star 5. Moon 6. Baby bottle 7. Beard 8. Sun 9.Clouds 10 Rain
11. Lightning bolt 12. Tent 13. Baby stroller 14. Moon 15.Campfire
Conclusion: You were good guessers even when my drawing wasn’t very good. Thank you for being patient when I asked.
Object to GO!
- Artist's Paintbrush
- Paintbrush Image (provided)
Hold up the paintbrush or the image. Lead a discussion with the comments and questions below:
● What am I holding? A paintbrush.
● Would a painter use a brush this size to paint a house? No, it is too small.
● Who might use a brush like this? An artist, someone painting a picture.
● (Demonstrate) Make big brush strokes with your hand if you have ever painted a picture. Children respond.
● Would you like to share what you painted? Children respond.
● In the next video, someone at Quantum Labs wants to be an artist. Who do you think it is? Rig, Widget, Professor Fern, Gizmo, Gears or Miss Tina? Children guess.
● Let’s watch the video to see who guessed correctly and what the artist painted.
Leave the question unanswered until it is revealed in the video.
Play Video (Prodigy Rig)
Prodigy Rig
After the video, ask the following discussion questions:
● Raise your hand if you guessed Rig wanted to be an artist. Children respond.
● Who was Rig painting? Professor Quantum.
● When Miss Tina first looked at Rig’s picture, did she know who he was painting? No.
● What did Miss Tina say to encourage Rig to be patient? This was his first painting, he had only been painting a few hours, learning something new takes time.
Rig said he was patient with many things, but Miss Tina said he also needed to have patience with himself! Sometimes it can be frustrating and disappointing when we try something for the first time. We probably can’t do it as quickly and as well as we would like. Nobody is good at everything, especially when it is new. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with what you’re doing, and God will help you to be patient with yourself. Just be the best YOU can be, with God’s help!
Optional: Object Lesson
- Handheld mirror
- Bible or Superbook Bible App
Artists often paint on paper or something called canvas. A masterpiece is a painting that is an artist’s very best work, and it is unique and special.
Did you know that God is an artist who creates masterpieces? God’s masterpieces are not made on paper or canvas though. I am going to read a verse from the Bible: “For we are God’s masterpiece.
Hold the mirror in front of the children and slowly move it from child to child so the children can see their faces as you speak. The Bible verse says that YOU are God’s masterpiece!
Turn the mirror toward you and look into it. I am God’s masterpiece too!
Let’s count to three slowly on our fingers and then shout, “ I am God’s masterpiece!” Count and shout with the children.
God created you, brand new! No one is exactly like you. You are special and unique. He created you to do good things so people could see His love and goodness in you.
God has patience with you as you learn and grow. It takes time to learn something new. You will make mistakes and mess up sometimes, but He never stops loving you. He patiently works in Your life to help you become all that He created You to be! If God is patient, you need to be patient with yourself too!
Video Lesson
Play Video (Bible Story)
Bible Story
Abraham and Sarah receive an amazing and exciting surprise from God! Let’s watch the video to find out what it is!
Teaching Time
- Tape
- Two Chairs
- Painter's tape or masking tape
- Bible or Superbook Bible App
Text: Genesis 17:1-7,18:1-15, 21:1-6
Make one copy of each sign in color or black and white.
Tape each sign to the back of a chair.
Tape a line several feet long on the floor, leaving lots of space on both sides.
Place the Abraham Sign chair on one side of the end of the line.
Place the Sarah Sign chair on the opposite side of the same end of the line.
The two signs should now be facing the line on either side of it.
Have children stand in a single row on the tape and facing the signs. Make sure children have space in front and behind.
Read the following true and untrue statements. Children decide if each statement is true or untrue. Each child then moves to the Abraham side of the tape for true statements or to the Sarah side of the tape for untrue (false) statements. Have a quick talk about each statement, especially Bible truths, so children know the truth.
For untrue statements, ask children to correct the statement to make it true. For example, God gave Abraham and Sarah a baby girl. (No, God gave them a baby boy).
If two true or untrue statements are read in a row, children can move back and forth from one side and return back to the side where they were standing so they still move instead of standing idle. True statements are bold text. Add your own statements as desired.
We watched the Bible story about Abraham and Sarah. Let’s see how much of the Bible story you can remember.
At the beginning of today’s Bible story, Jonathan was king. Children choose a side.
Saul was king.
God loved Abraham. Children choose a side.
In the Bible story, Abraham was very young. Children choose a side.
No, he was old.
Abraham was married to a woman named Susan. Children choose a side.
Abraham was married to Sarah.
God made a promise to Abraham called a coconut. Children choose a side.
No, it was called a covenant.
In God’s covenant to Abraham, He promised Abraham that he would have more descendants than there are stars in the sky. Children choose a side.
Years later, God promised Abraham that Sarah would give birth to twin girls. Children choose a side.
No, God promised that Sarah would give birth to a son (boy).
Abraham waited patiently and trusted in God’s promise to him. Children choose a side.
When Sarah heard God promise, she cried. Children choose a side.
No, she laughed.
Sarah laughed because she thought she was too old to give birth to a baby. Children choose a side.
God was faithful and kept His promise. Sarah gave birth to a baby boy! Children choose a side.
God can do anything. We can trust Him to keep all of His promises in the Bible. Children choose a side.
Sarah laughed because she thought she was too old to give birth to a baby. But when her son Isaac was born, she laughed because she was full of joy and thanksgiving to God for His amazing miracle!
Verse to GO!
- Bible or the Superbook Bible App
Romans 12:12 (CEV)
Today’s lesson is about patience. Can someone tell me what patience means?
Patience means to trust and wait without complaining.
Stand facing the children and lead them in repeating phrases and imitating the motions.
Smile as big as you can if you are ready to learn the first part of today’s memory verse. Children respond.
Let your hope … Look up and raise both arms toward heaven.
Make you glad… Smile and clap hands.
Repeat slowly a few more times.
To hope means to want something to happen or be true.
When we believe in Jesus, our hope and trust is in Him to forgive us, to protect us, to hear and answer our prayers, and to one day take us to heaven.
When we have hope in Jesus, it makes us glad because no matter what happens, His promises to us are always true. Abraham and Sarah had hope in God’s promise and it made them glad when their son was born!
It isn’t always easy to have patience as we hope for something. When we choose to be patient, God will help us do it because He grows patience inside us!
Note: Preschool children may not be able to memorize the entire verse. They may simply repeat it with you. Be sure all children understand its meaning
Prayer Time
Close the lesson in a simple prayer to encourage the children to trust in Jesus.
For example: Dear Jesus, thank You that we can put our hope and trust in You because You are forever faithful. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Music Time
Patience in Waiting
The lyrics and chords for this song are found in Resources.
Create your own motions or use the suggested motions as seen in the Quantum Karaoke “Patience in Waiting” under Resources.
Play the video song “Patience in Waiting”
Encourage the children to sing with Miss Tina and the robots during the chorus and imitate playing the piano with Miss Tina during the verses.
Patience in Waiting
Sing the chorus together:
Patience in waiting God is working,
Patience in waiting,
God is turning to you, and He’s heard your cry.
Optional motions for the last line: (turning) children spin around one time.
(Heard) Cup ears with hands.
(Cry) place hands on both sides of mouth as if to shout.
Singing Activity
Lead the children in singing a song to the familiar tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.” but change the words for each verse as described in Lesson 1
Take Home Coloring Page
- Rig's masterpiece Take-Home Coloring Page
- Crayons or washable markers
The Take-Home Coloring Page located in Resources can be printed and given to students to color at the end of class if time, then to take home.
Print one page for each child plus extras.
Provide crayons or washable markers for children.
As children color, review today’s lesson using the discussion points below:
● Who was Rig trying to paint? Professor Quantum.
● Why was Gears lying on the floor? Rig painted so long that he fell asleep.
● Can you name something new you tried to do that took a long time to learn? Children respond.
● Who did God give you to help you be patient? The Holy Spirit who grows patience in me.
God has given us all different abilities and skills. Sometimes we are good at some things and sometimes we aren’t. This is true for everyone. Be thankful to God for what you can do well, and have patience with yourself as you learn new things.
Play the Optional Opening Game “Drawing Attention” at the beginning of this lesson.
Play the game “Sarah Says” from Lesson 1.
Play the game “Starry Night” from Lesson 2.
Play the game “Star Search” from Lesson 3.