Leader Guide

Video –– Tina's First Day

Play Video (Tina’s First Day—opening dilemma)


Tina's First Day

Optional Discussion following the video. 

●      What was the name of the first robot that Miss Tina met? Gizmo

●      Why was Miss Tina afraid on her first day at Quantum Labs? Going to a new place. She didn’t know anyone there. 

●      Can you share a time you were scared to do a new thing or meet a new person? Children answer.

●      Rig the robot was exercising. What kind of animal was he lifting? Kittens.      

●      What was the name of the robot who hid from Miss Tina and the other robots?  Widget

●      Why did Widget hide from Miss Tina? She was scared to meet someone new.


Today’s lesson is about courage. Courage is trusting God to help you do something that may seem hard, difficult or scary.