Leader Guide

Verse to GO!

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
Optional: Show the memory verse video. Children will learn the second part of the verse today.

Psalm 56:3 (NLT)

“But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.”

Today’s Bible memory verse is Psalm 56:3. Say the memory verse slowly.

“But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.”  Psalm 56:3

Stand facing the children and help them to repeat phrases and imitate the motions.

But when I am afraidhold hands with bent fingers up to mouth with big eyes.

I will put my trustpoint to self with one index finger.

In Youraise arms upward and point to the sky with both index fingers.

Repeat slowly a few more times.

Whenever we feel afraid or scared, remember that that we can trust in God because He is always with us and He will give us strength.