Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard with marker or chalkboard with chalk
  • Eraser
  • Jesus Feeds the Hungry SuperVerse Cards
  • Cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape or painters tape
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with a second hand, or timer app

Make a copy of the Jesus Feeds the Hungry SuperVerse Cards on cardstock.  

Cut out the individual cards, shuffle them, and put in a pile.    

Write the SuperVerse on the board. John 2:5  

His mother told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.”    

   Superbook Obedience: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

Let’s read our SuperVerse on the board: John 2:5  

 “His mother told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.”

As we learned in the video, to run out of food or wine during a wedding feast would be embarrassing and humiliating for the host and family. Back in Bible times, you  could not just make a quick trip to a store to buy more supplies. It took careful planning to make sure there was enough food and drink  for a wedding, because the celebration could last about a week! Mary learned of the shortage of wine and came to Jesus. It is interesting that she did not directly ask Him to do anything; she simply made the need known to Him.  She had complete confidence in Jesus, so she tells the servants to do whatever Jesus says. We should follow the servants’ example and do whatever Jesus tells  us so He can work through us to do amazing things.          

In this activity, you are going to play a game to obediently do whatever you are told.  

Have everyone read the SuperVerse aloud from the board and then then erase it.  

Have the children sit down on the floor or in chairs. Choose ten volunteers. Have them stand and form a line, standing side by side, a few feet away and facing the children sitting down. Make sure the cards are shuffled in a pile in random order. Tape one card to each volunteer’s back, making sure the volunteers do not see the words on the cards. Now, start the time and have the volunteers turn so the children sitting down can see the cards. Choose children to each give one command to the volunteers to try and place the volunteers in the correct order of the SuperVerse. If children don’t know names, they can describe the volunteer such as “The girl with the red skirt move two places to the left” or “The boy with the blue shorts, move left to the beginning of the line.” Record the time and play again using different volunteers and/or switching cards between volunteers.               

For classes with less than twelve children, make one copy of the pattern for each child and have them cut out the individual cards and shuffle them in a pile. Then start the timer and have children try to assemble the verse for the fastest time.        

Conclusion: Was it difficult to do what you were told, especially when you couldn’t see your card? Please explain. Children answer.   

The servants couldn’t have imagined what Jesus would do. It may have seemed hopeless at the time, yet, they followed His instructions and witnessed a miracle!      

Children may not be able to memorize the entire verse, but be sure they understand its meaning.