Leader Guide

Review Game

Make a copy of the Review Questions List.

Make two double-sided copies of the TRUE/FALSE SIGN on cardstock.

Make one single sided copy of each the TRUE SIGN and the FALSE SIGN, and tape each on a separate trash can.

Place the two cans side by side against a wall with about 2 feet between them.

Mark or tape a throwing line on the floor about 12 feet from the trash cans.

Ball up each pair of socks.

Place two pairs of the same color socks on the floor at opposite ends of the taped line.

True or False? Play a game to recall important facts in the Bible story.

This is the last lesson about our Superbook adventure, “Jesus Feeds the Hungry.” So let’s play a fun game to review some important things that happened when Jesus performed the miracles. This is a True and False question review. Hold up a double-sided TRUE/FALSE Sign.

To answer a question you will hold up the sign and choose either true or false. The side that you show me will be your answer. Five points are scored for a correct answer. You will also have two more chances to score points for your team. Each player will try to toss two sock balls into the container marked with the correct answer.

For example, if the answer is true, you will try to toss both sock balls into the TRUE can. You will score one point for each sock ball tossed into the correct container. If a sock ball goes in the wrong container, you lose one point—so aim carefully! Points are not scored or lost for socks that don’t go into either container. Now, listen and watch closely to find out how you will toss the socks.

Choose an older child who knows the difference between throwing overhand and underhand to demonstrate. 

First, toss one sock ball overhand. Have the child toss one sock ball overhand. 

Then, toss the second sock ball underhand. Have the child toss one sock ball underhand. 

Divide the children into two teams—they do not need to be even. Have each team line up a few feet behind the mark. The first player from each team steps up to the mark and gets a True/False Sign. They will each answer the same question by choosing which side of the sign to show you. Next, the players will toss the sock balls into the proper container—first overhand, then underhand. The players will retrieve the socks after the score is tallied. The team with the most points wins.

Optional: when the answer is “false,” ask teams for the right answer and award a bonus point if it’s correct. You may also ask additional bonus questions related to the original one.