Leader Guide

Bible Study

  • Bibles––one per team of two children
  • Match Cards
  • Yarn (any color), about 9 feet per each team of two children
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Sandwich bags or rubber bands; one per team–these will be used to hold card sets and yarn

Make one copy of the Match Cards for each team of two children, plus extras.

Carefully cut apart the individual cards (14) and mix them up in a pile.   

Measure and cut ten strands of yarn, each one approximately 10 inches long, for each team.

Place each set of cards and yarn strands into a sandwich bag or put a rubber band around them.    

Have the children sit in teams of two. Try to pair an experienced Bible user with a child who isn’t as familiar with the Bible.

Give each pair a Bible and a set of cards and yarn.

Have the teams place the match cards into two columns; one will consist of (6) Bible reference cards, the other will consist of (8) word cards.

Instruct the children to leave a gap about 4 inches wide between the columns.  

The experienced Bible user can look up the verses and the other player can connect the cards using the yarn. This is not a race, but you should specify an amount of time to complete the activity.
Note that the New Living Translation was used in creating this activity. If children are using different translations, their answers may vary.

Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “Nothing can separate me from God.”

The two columns you made are SEPARATED.

Each card in one column has a word or words on it. These are things that can try to separate us from God and His love. But, through our relationship with Christ, we can prevent it from happening by focusing on Him and trusting His Word.   

In the other column, each card has a Bible verse reference in the book of Romans. Each Bible verse will have at least one word from the other column in it. These verses tell us the real truth that through Christ we can overcome and defeat everything that tries to separate us from God.  

Once you identify the matching cards, you will connect them with a strand of yarn. This represents the eternal connection with God through Jesus. Even when we sin, we are connected to God. Even when we feel condemnation or shame, our relationship is unbroken. Even when we suffer persecution, God is still with us.

Tell children that one word may have two verses linked to it, and one verse may have more than one word linked to it. So, consider the cards carefully.

When the time allotted has expired, go through the cards and discuss the matches.