Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Focus Signs (2)
  • Two sheets of cardstock
  • Marker
  • Magnifying Glass
  • Scissors

Make one copy each of the two FOCUS SIGNS on cardstock.
Cut the Troubles and Persecution Sign in half on the dashed line.
DO NOT cut the God and Christ's Love sign.

Give the Persecution Sign and the Trouble Sign to two different children

I’m going to read a verse that comes before our SuperVerse in the Bible, Romans 8:39:

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?

In this verse, Paul wrote many things we may face that could cause us to think that Christ no longer loves us. He lists even more (17+) in the verses afterward! Paul declares that he is convinced that nothing in all of creation can separate us from the love of God revealed in Christ—NOTHING!


Have the volunteer stand and read TROUBLE aloud, show the class, give it to you, and sit down again.

One of the things Paul lists that we will have is TROUBLE. We all have faced different kinds of trouble; even some we have caused ourselves, right? When we face troubles, even ones we caused, does that mean God will abandon us and Jesus will withdraw His love from us? NO!    

Have the other volunteer stand, read PERSECUTION aloud, give it to you, and sit down again.

Another thing Paul lists, is PERSECUTION. At times, we may wonder if Christ no longer loves us when we suffer persecution, maybe it means He has left us all alone; is this true? NO!            

Look at the signs through the magnifying glass. Time permitting, allow the children to view them, too.

When you look through a magnifying glass at an object, what happens to it? It looks bigger.

Did the object itself actually grow? No, it only appeared to, it stays the same.

The reality is that when we focus on our present situation; it can become bigger or is magnified in our eyes or minds, just like these signs in the magnifying glass. At times, the troubles can seem so big that the situation seems hopeless and like it will never end. We can feel like we are separated and isolated from God and Christ’s love.    

Here is what the Apostle Paul told us we must do in 2 Corinthians 4:18:  

So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

Look at the TROUBLE SIGN through the magnifying glass. Did Paul tell us to focus on this? No!

Wow, this trouble seems even larger now! He said NOT to focus on them because they are temporary and will soon be gone.

Do you remember what he said we must look at or focus on? Things that cannot be seen.

Now, that sounds a bit odd, doesn’t it? If I tell you all to look at what you can’t see, would you wonder if I was feeling OK?  

Hold up the GOD Sign. Paul is talking about focusing on God and Christ. We cannot see them with our physical eyes, but they exist and are eternal; they will last forever!

Who did God allow Stephen to see in heaven as he was being persecuted and stoned? Jesus. 

Jesus and His love are permanent, they will never go away. Stephen fixed his gaze on heaven where God and Jesus live for all eternity. He chose NOT to gaze on his circumstance, but rather on His Lord and Savior who he would live with forever.

Hold up the TROUBLE and PERSECUTION SIGNS. Whenever we focus on our hardships and suffering, they begin to steal our joy and make us feel unloved and alone.

Place the GOD SIGN in front of the two other signs. Remember to shift your focus to God and heaven above. Just like this sign covers and blocks the other signs, GOD is above and beyond and infinitely bigger than anything we may face—no matter how big something appears in our mind. God transcends everything in this world and beyond.     

Let’s say today’s SuperTruth together: “Nothing can separate me from God.”