Leader Guide

Leader Introduction

Gears and Widget are in line at the movie theater to see a scary movie. Gears is excited but Widget is not so sure it is a wise choice. Gears believes God will give them the courage to watch the scary movie. Thankfully, Miss Tina shows up in time to correct Gears’ misunderstanding about the courage that God gives to us. This prevents Gears and Widget from making a bad choice that could give them bad dreams! Gears and Widget decide to join Miss Tina and the other robots to watch a more appropriate movie about kittens.     


Today’s Bible story reinforces and expands the lesson from last time about God speaking to Moses through a burning bush. God calls Moses to free the Israelites from Pharoah in Egypt. Moses makes many excuses, but through God’s help and patience, Moses makes the right choice to courageously trust God.

In this lesson, we will learn that God provides help and strength to give us the courage to do what He asks us to do, not so that we have the courage to do things that are careless or foolish. 

Welcome students as they arrive with their parents.

OPTIONAL: As they arrive, play the song “Be Courageous” 

Be Courageous